Una Wang
Una is a multifaceted young professional, embodying various roles in her career.
She is a dedicated researcher, leading the project no1s1 at ETH as a PhD candidate. Her research explores topics such as decentralized autonomous buildings, decentralized physical infrastructure, digital twin, IoT and regenerative built environments. Leveraging her background in architecture, she thrives as a builder and maker. She brings ideas to life through cyber-physical integrated prototypes and products. The love of community rans in her vein. She is a facilitator for multiple DAO communities and cross-culture, multidisciplinary associations. She believes in open communication and the value of hard conversations. She is a speaker and guest lecturer on many different occasions.
This talk explores Switzerland's unique positioning with D/ACC cultural technology, rooted in a 700-year history of decentralization. It introduces the core thesis of Zuitzerland's vision to become a sandbox for future societal models. Una and Isla have presented this talk before, but not yet in Switzerland.
The workshop explores the principles and practices of Swiss cooperative housing as a pathway to fostering sustainable communities. Participants will engage with innovative strategies for collaboration, resource sharing, and community building, highlighting how the Swiss model promotes social cohesion and environmental stewardship. Through interactive discussions and case studies, attendees will gain insights into transforming residential spaces into vibrant, resilient communities that prioritize sustainability and inclusivity.
Short inputs from our panelists on the meaning of the terms and movements followed by a fishbowl style exploration of the role of these movements in the next wave of AI and frontier tech development, and their role in humanity’s future success or failure.