Una Wang
Una is a multifaceted young professional, embodying various roles in her career.
She is a dedicated researcher, leading the project no1s1 at ETH as a PhD candidate. Her research explores topics such as decentralized autonomous buildings, decentralized physical infrastructure, digital twin, IoT and regenerative built environments. Leveraging her background in architecture, she thrives as a builder and maker. She brings ideas to life through cyber-physical integrated prototypes and products. The love of community rans in her vein. She is a facilitator for multiple DAO communities and cross-culture, multidisciplinary associations. She believes in open communication and the value of hard conversations. She is a speaker and guest lecturer on many different occasions.
Decentralized autonomous organizations are a fascinating organizational structure found everywhere in the Ethereum ecosystem. However, designing a successful DAO is difficult and involves many aspects such as organizational design, legal aspects, and a roadmap to decentralization. In this workshop, the Swiss industry association DAO Suisse is going to give a crash-course on how to design a successful DAO covering these aspects. We will give short inputs on the different topics and then open for a discussion to cover the challenges faced by the workshop participants and learn together how to approach them. The workshop serves as a starting point to better understand the design of DAOs and offers assistance in how to set up DAOs for practitioners.
Since the emergence of concepts like network state, coordi-nation, we have witnessed a surge in pop-up communal living within the crypto community. Drawing from our experiences from the Zuzalu community, we explore the dynamics of digital tribalism in crypto ecosystem and the profound impact it has on society and individuals. From fostering a sense of belonging to embracing decentralized governance structures, we uncover the valuable insights gained from living in the web3 era. Furthermore, we discuss our ambitious plans to establish a presence in Switzerland this year, highlighting existing democratic practices in Swiss organizations and businesses.