Build Universal Web3 Apps with React Native
04-06, 10:10–10:30 (Europe/Zurich), Verge Stage

Learn how to use React Native to build true cross-platform experiences (iOS, Android and Web) for your decentralized apps, from a single codebase. Share code, features and maintain design consistency while opening your product for new user markets.

The web3 market is dominated by web apps. Historically, it was difficult to spin up a web3 mobile app due to the number of issues one would encounter when trying to install and use web3 libraries, which were made primarily for the web.

Looking at some of the top decentralized apps across multiple chains, it's easy to notice that only a select few (mostly big players for a long time) have their respective native mobile experiences. Smaller and younger apps are still going for a "good enough" responsive web experience instead.

But I strongly believe that the next generation of web3 apps will be Universal, cross-platform apps sharing the same codebase for Web, iOS and Android, and will do it through React Native.

In this talk you will learn how you can use React Native, Viem, Wagmi and WalletConnect to make your decentralized apps cross-platform right from the start, and share code, features and maintain design consistency while opening your product for new user markets.

Somewhere between web2 and web3.

Believes the web3 space needs more native mobile experiences. Currently working towards making web3 easier to use and build through React Native.