Dangerous Decimals: how rounding issues haunt DeFi
04-05, 14:00–15:00 (Europe/Zurich), Merge Stage

We will explore the recent onslaught of rounding issue exploits haunting the world of DeFi. From relatively smal and unknown Compound v2 fork exploits to Balancer pools with $1 Billion + in TVL, nobody is immune from rounding issues.
The talk will define the origins of the issue, its nuances, significant instances of it, and what we can try to do to protect our protocols.

A security auditor at Consensys Diligence, George has always been fascinated by Math & Technology. This led him to a degree in Applied Mathematics and a career in software, where he focused on the people aspect of tech -- privacy, personal data, digital identity, human-made data and so on. Eventually he found Ethereum and smart contracts, a promising world that seemed to perfectly fit his interests. At Consensys Diligence he decided to specialize in smart contract auditing to help the technology get adopted safely as usage skyrockets. In his spare time you can find him traveling the world and enjoying the little things in life.