Decoding Tokenomics: Protocol Research for Legal Classification
04-05, 12:10–12:30 (Europe/Zurich), Verge Stage

The crypto token design space is highly diverse. Crypto tokens vary in purpose and technical characteristics, making a one-size-fits-all regulatory approach impractical. This talk will outline the legal framework for categorizing tokens as payment, utility, or asset tokens, along with the necessary protocol research to have an informed opinion about a token's classification

The crypto token design space is highly diverse. This is crucial for both investors and industry stakeholders like regulators and developers. In this talk we discuss how the Swiss regulatory framework distinguishes tokens as payment, utility, or asset classes, and then we offer guidance for conducting protocol research targeted at having an informed opinion about a token's legal classification. Protocol research guidelines involve both general aspects and specific questions particularly useful for the classification.

Protocol Specialist at Bitcoin Suisse

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Senior Legal Counsel at Bitcoin Suisse