P2P Networking and Storage
- Data Propagation and Gossip Protocols
- Distributed Storage Systems
- Network Topology and Optimization
- Resource Allocation and Incentives
Consensus Mechanisms, Tokenomics, and Game Theory
- Novel Consensus Algorithms
- Tokenomics and Incentive Design
- Game Theoretical Models in Blockchain
- Staking and Governance Mechanisms
Formal Methods and Security
- Formal Verification of Smart Contracts
- Security Protocol Design and Analysis
- Attack Vectors and Defense Mechanisms
- Privacy-Preserving Technologies
Policy, Regulations, and Ethics
- Legal and Regulatory Frameworks
- Ethical Implications of Decentralized Systems
- Blockchain and Governance
- Data Sovereignty and Decentralization
Algorithms, Zero-Knowledge Proofs, and Computational Efficiency
- Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) and Cryptographic Primitives
- Algorithmic Optimization for Blockchain Environments
- Virtual Machine and Code Execution Optimization
- Computational Complexity in Blockchain
- Efficient Hashing & Verification Algorithms