ETHPrague 2024

Decentralize Your dApp’s Secret Off Chain Backend w/EigenLayer
06-01, 13:00–13:25 (Europe/Prague), Flower Stage

Your dApp secretly relies on a few centralized backend services in the cloud, but your community wants further decentralization! This talk walks through hands-on examples of migrating your backend to EigenLayer, empowering your roadmap for decentralization and Ethereum alignment.

Many popular Web3 apps today rely on some amount of off chain backend services that are hosted in a centralized public cloud. Projects often start with some amount of centralization and include a "Roadmap for Decentralization", because the Ethereum community values and rewards further decentralization.

EigenLayer is a platform for shared security for Web3 services built on Ethereum that enables further decentrlization. This talk will include architecture guidance and examples of migrating a popular centralized Web3 backend service to EigenLayer.

EigenLayer - Solution Architect
Protocol Labs - Product Manager with Project Bacalhau
Google Cloud
Cloudera / Hortonworks