ETHPrague 2024

Leveling Up the TEE Attestation Game On-Chain
06-01, 18:00–18:25 (Europe/Prague), Flower Stage

On-chain remote attestation verification is expensive due to the use of cryptographic primitives not natively supported by the EVM. Learn how we drive costs down by integrating ZK.

Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) technology is a cheap and fast solution to enhance blockchain applications like Co-Provers, Oracles, and MPC. To establish trust, a TEE must prove its identity on-chain through Remote Attestation, a cryptographic handshake that ensures its authenticity, integrity, and security. Every TEE can produce an attestation document endorsed by its maker, showcasing its secure enclave status, legitimate code execution, and untampered internals. But here’s the kicker: verifying the attestation document calls for the use of cryptographic primitives not natively supported by the EVM, such as the P-256 and P-384 curves, incurring costs of tens of millions in gas fees, and in some cases even exceeding the block gas limit.

However, there’s room for improvement: ZK extends our techniques for performing attestation verification and allows us to tap into off-chain resources to handle parts of the computation. Rather than performing on-chain verification of let’s say a P-256 signature, we craft a validity proof to confirm the correctness of the signature and verify this proof instead. To kick it up a notch, we leverage ZK aggregation and combine multiple validity proofs into a singular proof, significantly enhancing its efficiency and reducing costs along the way. The overall approach drives attestation verification costs down to around 300k gas, making it feasible on-chain.

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