ETHPrague 2024

Forensics in Web3: How and When
06-02, 13:30–13:55 (Europe/Prague), Leaf Stage

How to create a Blockchain monitoring framework, perform post-mortem analysis of hacks, and fight a De-Anonymization battle with the attackers.

In Q1 2024, we've seen a positive trend: a significant portion of stolen funds has been successfully recovered or frozen. This success underscores the importance of adhering to protocol-specific recovery steps and conducting thorough forensic analyses to identify and neutralize attackers.
In the aftermath of a blockchain breach, navigating the road to recovery requires following tailored protocols specific to the affected blockchain. Similarly, tracing and exposing hackers through forensic investigations demands a nuanced approach, varying across different networks.
During this session, we'll discuss practical strategies for incident recovery, emphasizing the need for tailored approaches depending on the blockchain involved. Additionally, we'll explore the complexities of forensic analysis and hacker identification, shedding light on the unique challenges presented by different network architectures.

Luciano Ciattaglia, an L1/L2 Blockchain Security Research Lead at Hacken, holds a degree in Computer Science from the University of Villa Maria and blockchain security certifications, such as CEH, CSSLP, CBSP, and CCSSA. With past roles at Binance, Mercado Libre & Ripio, Luciano has both the passion and expertise to stay ahead of cyber threats in Web3.