06-01, 13:30–13:55 (Europe/Prague), Leaf Stage
How do we turn things around to make DeFi for everyone, rather than foremoslty a tool reserved for the crypto-savvy crowd chasing yields and airdrops?
The foundation of DeFi rests on the idea of fostering an inclusive financial environment. However, in reality, its success hinges on TVL and related parameters, primarily sourced from whales, market makers and all sorts of degens. Consequently, DeFi products are tailored to this specific audience, neglecting those who could genuinely benefit from them. The complexity of products and interfaces, coupled with opaque setups, alienates many potential users who often cannot even percieve the relevant use cases.
This presentation will delve into the existings hurdles and how to overcome them, for shifting this focus and making DeFi more accessible to a wider audience, thereby enhancing its impact beyond just impact-driven projects, providing financial self-sovereignty to those facing centralized interference and ultimately improving DeFi's public perception.
Lawyer and DeFi co-founder, fluent in crypto slang and legalese to ensure builders and regulators communicate efficiently. I advise blockchain dreamers with MME, a Swiss law firm, and build the future of trading with Keom Protocol, all while keeping an eye on the greater goal of creating a better financial system.