Ethereum protocol 101: from first principles to future development
04-06, 10:00–11:00 (Europe/Zurich), Merge Stage

The goal of this workshop is to give an introduction on Ethereum as a protocol. The workshop will be structured in 4 mini sessions: fundamentals, execution layer, consensus layer and R&D roadmap. I will start from first principles and make sure that anyone curious about the inner workings of Ethereum can follow and get the core concepts and inspiration to go deeper on specific topics. The workshop is intended to be interactive and there will be time for Q&A rounds.

The fundamentals session introduces Ethereum: the network architecture and the protocol. The goal is to clarify as soon as possible what we are trying to achieve with a decentralized protocol and why it is important. The execution layer session will touch on transaction processing, smart contract execution, state management. Moving on the consensus layer, we will discuss proof of stake as a sybil resistance method, safety and liveness guarantees with Gasper, and the economic incentives. To conclude, we will have an overview of the most important protocol upgrades we can expect in the future based on the current roadmap.
Even though a technical background can help, the goal of the workshop is to present concepts in simple but accurate terms so that anyone can follow.

Protocol Specialist at Bitcoin Suisse

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